As I transferred from the train to the T to the Amtrak "Noreaster", that backpack got pretty heavy and I was regretting not practicing more, as had a colleague of J's who carried rocks around in a pack for weeks before a hiking trip. Of course, J didn't share this story with me until I was about to board the train. Oh well, this was supposed to be all about spontaneity, right? Hernia, be damned.
Anyone who's been to New England in mid-October will know I'm not exaggerating when I say the trip was filled with GORGEOUS foliage. Even a city girl can appreciate some stellar displays of nature. I did very little besides stare out the window and text E, a cousin who'd been backpacking all summer, to tell moan about winter backpacking being much, MUCH harder, what with the boots and hats and sweaters and it being ME doing the carrying!
I've been telling everyone this was the first time I'd ever spent the night in a hotel room alone, but upon further reflection, I realized I'd done it once before, but my dad was also in that hotel, so I'm still not counting it. It wasn't so much fun to be in a strange room in a strange city. Strangely enough, I think I'd have preferred the stranger's strange floor.
Feeling very alone, I grabbed my coat and my phone and went outside, dialing C on the way. We talked for a couple of hours as I gave him an audio tour of Portland. Would I have experienced the city more thoroughly had I not been dividing my attention? Probably, but I wasn't ready to give up my connection to home just yet. As an added bonus, C told me he feels he can now say he's been to Maine.
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