Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm Baaa-aaaack!

So, I honestly didn't intend to take a two month break. When I ended my January blogstravaganza, I assumed I'd continue to post a couple of times a week. Then life happened. Things I couldn't write about, but at the same time consumed a lot of my time and energy and most of my waking thoughts. It's become very important to me to be as open as possible with my life, but sometimes the story is not mine to tell. All is not well, and may never be fully settled, but I am sleeping much more soundly and I'm anxious to start sharing again. That means...you guessed it...another month of daily entries! I've got a list of things I've been meaning to write about and I'm stretching my hunting-and-pecking fingers RIGHT THIS MINUTE. 

To all the people who asked about my absence and told me they were looking forward to my return, thank you. I appreciate being missed. Hell, I just appreciate you paying any attention at all!