Sunday, January 10, 2010

Leaving New York today hurt less than the last time. And not because I don't still love and miss it. Spending time with C and talking to M just confirmed how much I want to be back there. Maybe I'm just resigned to being away for awhile. Maybe I was relieved to make it onto the bus with 13 seconds to spare, even if it meant not being able to stop at the store for some chinese grocery items. And missing the no-pants-on-the-subway fun.

Then, at the exact moment I was stepping off the bus, hurrying to the train station to catch the commuter rail, I got a text from the L-word guy. (Happy, P?) That was the start of a stressful evening of arguing through texts and eventually over the phone. I need to figure out this thing. Soon. 

Honestly, lying on C's sofa, laughing with him over trash tv and ice cream is the highlight of my year so far. Man, I love that man. Why can't it be this easy with a straight man?

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