Saturday, January 16, 2010

To Do

S & J are away for the weekend and D is busy with work and friends. I've gotten used to having people around and I'm feeling lonely. Even though I spend my weekdays by myself, I have found I look forward to having company each evening. I got the first sense of this when I was staying with C; we both agreed it was nice to have someone to come home to. 

For so many years I'd lived alone and believed I enjoyed it. And I did, some of the time. I treasure privacy and quiet, perhaps from growing up in a busy, full house. So, maybe I've had enough alone time? That would mean I need to find someone willing to live with me. After I find a job and a way to pay for a place to live, that is. I'll start a list: 


Quite a checklist.


  1. Oh put boy at the top of the list. They are fun! And, if you are having fun the other things might come more naturally. I'm a terrible influence but I have some experience. You need a boy, girl! Any English teacher would beat me for that sentence!

  2. as i'm putting the most effort into the boy search, it just may be the first thing i check off! (ended a sentence with a preposition in a show of solidarity)
