And just like that I'm angry again. Wednesday nights are no longer my favorites, thanks to basketball practice which takes 1 away from family dinners. Boo. In order to make this day work, I need to make dinner early, feed 1, take both to drop 1 off at school (in the rain today, an added unpleasantry), get back and heat up the dinner so that when husband gets home, the three of us can eat. Then he needs to leave to pick 1 back up again. Back home, it's a rushrushrush of showers and teeth brushing and reading and bed. All of this means that in this 7 day period, we will have had one meal together and one chance for a family card game or 'Amazing Race' viewing. And that just isn't enough.
The two day stretches that happen every other week with the kids are too short. Wednesday is always an adjustment and now! with scheduling complications! Then Thursday happens and then they're gone. This is, I suppose, a good metaphor of childhood/parenting in general; it all happens and ends way too quickly. This being the case, I would like to find a way to be less cranky about the little things that make me cranky. And to be less selfish. The kids, after all, are going off to be with their mother.
I should go think of some things to be thankful for and stop the self-pity. Quickly.
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