Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Bad blogger checking in here. Does it help, by way of explanation (read: excuse) that I spent yesterday cleaning the house from top to bottom? I'm talking mattress-vacuuming, duvet washing and floor mopping. I was sore at the end of it all. And Sunday was filled with many hours of cooking, baking with stepkid 2, cranberry-bog-walking, painting and card games with both kids. Thankfully, I avoided the raking. I'll take cooking over raking any day; I'm old fashioned like that.

Today is my 6 monthiversary. I know it's ridiculous. My husband has always laughed at my emphasis on each monthly milestone, probably because he's had a few long relationships. Before him, I'd never made it to 6 months. And now I've been MARRIED that long! (Thursday with mark the 19 monthiversary of our first meeting, if you're counting.) Yes, it really doesn't feel like that long; the time has flown. And yes, 6 months probably doesn't seem like a big deal to most people. But to me, it is occasion enough to throw a tablecloth on the kitchen table and light some candles. As a gift, I'm letting him watch the shows he likes tonight. (Hence my presence here.) He came home early to chop up old doors and other things I want out of the basement but are too big for the garbage truck and too icky to freecycle. Trust me when I say these are REALLY good gifts, respectively.

So there it is. I'm a married lady, feeling more and more married everyday. And so far, that's a really good thing. Happy monthiversary, baby.