Thursday, November 3, 2011

And This Makes Two

Is it a bad idea to write a post when I'm angry at everyone in this house? Plus the husband, even though he isn't in the house at the moment. I'm guessing all this easy anger is somewhat due to PMS, which, since I'd really like to be pregnant right now, makes me even angrier. At my getting-older-by-the-minute eggs? At firstwife for suggesting a vasectomy? At mother-in-law who thinks another grandchild would be "a big mistake" (I did not make this up.)? At my doctor for removing the aforementioned piece of my cervix, delaying baby-making even further? That's right, all of the above. So, for the time being, I'm blaming my menstrual cycle because it seems pretty petty to blame stepkid2 for inviting and then uninviting me to chaperone a field trip, stepkid1 for throwing up in her garbage can, husband for leaving vomit-laden garbage can uncleaned (full disclosure: he did change sheets, hold hair back, etc.) and mother-in-law for, well, you know. If you have a m-i-l, you know.

In an attempt to channel my anger into productivity (there's a thought!), I did lots of chopping of vegetables for a soup and lots of measuring and mixing for a birthday cake for my niece, all to some nice, loud music. Bonus to the busyness (and loudness): annoyance of kids and m-i-l are nearly ignorable.

If you really want to dig into this anger, you should also know that I have an appointment with the cervix-snipping doctor tomorrow morning. Hopefully, she will tell me the baby-making can commence. Of course, the timing is off, which is why we cheated and jumped the gun last week. Everything was fine, working as well as ever, but this PMSiness is making me think the hurry was all for naught. Husband would argue. As much as I like sex, right now, I want results. If my calculations are correct, one more month of fruitlessness qualifies me for some fertility intervention. And if you want to see some real anger, tell me you're pregnant.


  1. GO ! GO! GO! number three!!!! go ! do it!

    (not pregnant here)

    (and remember, mil's are just people, no more no less... just a mistake of words, no more no less...)
