Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Okay, Go Ahead and Be Surprised

Yes, it's been nearly a year since my last post and yes I'm a shitty blogger(not the surprising part). I like to think of myself as a writer, because in my head I form thoughts in full sentences, as if I'm readying them for the page (or screen, as it were) and because when I go back and read the things I've written, I'm entertained. And proud. But, good lord!, am I unmotivated. And I've done precious little writing at all in the many months since I abandoned my blogpost here.

Here's a quick list of things I have done in those months (to the best of my recollection, in chronological order):

-celebrated Thanksgiving with the boy and his family (and my sister's family) instead of traveling to where I would have otherwise feasted. And, key, I didn't regret it.

-got through my first sleepover with the boy's children (a pre-arranged accidentally snowed-in sleepover). the boy slept on the couch. it went well.

-had someone to kiss when 2011 rolled around.

-saw the Grand Canyon and experienced Las Vegas for the first time.

-on a related note, partook in a family trip of sorts with the boy and his kids.

-on a similarly related note, met his father and stepmother along the way.

-fretted a lot about when the boy would marry me. out loud. to anyone with ears. or lip-reading ability.

-worried almost as much that the boy would marry me and then i'd be a wife and a stepmother. with a mother-in-law.

-married the boy. ( from here on out, i shall call him husband. )

-became a wife.

-became a stepmother.

-got a mother-in-law in the deal.

-moved into a 5 bedroom house in the suburbs. the FAR suburbs.

-had a good portion of my cervix removed in order to help me get pregnant.

-shamed myself into posting here.

wifemother reminded me about the whole "post every day of november" thing and I'm gonna do my damnedest. Even if I am starting a day late. And seem to have less motivation than ever. Maybe this will help with that?

1 comment:

  1. good god, i'll be on you tomorrow like butter. (that'd be day two...but you have been so busy it shames the rest of the world) what a year!
