Sunday, April 18, 2010

What A Difference A Week Makes

At this time last week, I was feeling pretty crappy. Lonely and hopeless and just blah. Of course a portion of that crappiness was due to pms, just like it is every month (curse, indeed!) but there was more to it. A long string of dates that went nowhere, fruitless job searching and a lingering injury were the major culprits. Here's what happened to turn those things around:

1) A silly little trip on a couple of steps in Harvard Square (6 weeks ago!) left me with a damaged ankle which is still bothering me and I likely would have had x-rayed right away if I were insured. Although, several years ago, I was convinced I had a broken ankle and it turned out to be only a sprain. A sprain that bothered me for months. This injury has kept me from my daily walks, often the only time I get out of the house during the day and it has been a pain in the ass. While it's certainly not 100%, I'm trying to not let it stop me from getting out more often.

2) That interview I mentioned went smoothly, as expected and I've been called about working. While I'm less than thrilled at the prospect, I AM looking forward to being busier and not broke. And who knows? Maybe I'll like it more than I think I will. Uh huh.

3) After hitting a two-week lull on the dating website (read: ran through all the good prospects), suddenly new guys were popping up and I had dates with 4 of them last week. I was busy, had fun with each of them and heard back from 3. Decent batting average, if I do say so myself.

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