Saturday, January 23, 2010

Open Letter To Potential Dates

Dear Sirs,

My charm and charisma can only carry a conversation so far. I am very happy to do most of the talking, but I don't want it to seem like a one-woman show. 

It's okay if you need me to ask most of the questions, but you really should try to come up with answers containing more than two words. 

I understand you may feel a bit uncomfortable at first. That's not a big deal; we're strangers. But I am in no way intimidating and I might as well be spinning plates with all the effort I'm expending to put you at ease. 

Finally, you are allowed to not be into me. If I'm not your cup of tea, I can deal with that; I'm not for everyone. But please, please don't say "I'll give you a call". We're both adults and we both know you're not going to give me a call. A simple "thank you and good night" will suffice. 

Most Likely Not Your Soulmate

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